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Renovation of the Chapel in Nowosiółki

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In 2020, on the initiative of the village mayor and residents, a collection of monetary donations for the renovation of the chapel of St Peter and St Paul in Nowosiółki (Bieszczady) began. The structure was built in 1912 as a Greco-Catholic chapel. It is situated in the centre of the village, by the Wielka Pętla Bieszczadzka (Great Bieszczady Loop).

Our little treasure is not listed in the register of historical monuments, therefore we do not have any chance to receive external funding. The brick church was built on the plan of a Greek cross, topped with an onion-shaped dome, covered with sheet metal.

Near the chapel grows the Klokokotka bush, a plant genetically tested by the National Academy of Sciences and which dates back to the 19th century. After the population of Ukrainian origin was displaced, Catholics began to use the chapel in 1947. Nowosiólki did not have its own church at the time, so the faithful gathered for services in this small chapel.


It was not until 1975, against the prohibition of the communist authorities, that the inhabitants erected a church, prepared in secret beforehand, in a single night. Surprised and confronted with a fait accompli, the authorities had to come to terms with the new church, and it serves the inhabitants to this day.

I would therefore like to make an earnest plea for financial support for our project. We cannot afford this stage of the renovation alone. Best regards.

The donation can be paid directly into the bank account of the Parish in Hoczew
PKO BP SA No. 92 1020 2980 0000 2202 0139 6365, or with us with a receipt for your payment (cash).

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